
Macro plugin_group

macro_rules! plugin_group {
        $vis:vis struct $group:ident {
                $(#[cfg(feature = $plugin_feature:literal)])?
                $($plugin_path:ident::)* : $plugin_name:ident
                    $(#[cfg(feature = $plugin_group_feature:literal)])?
                    $($plugin_group_path:ident::)* : $plugin_group_name:ident
                    $(#[cfg(feature = $hidden_plugin_feature:literal)])?
                    $($hidden_plugin_path:ident::)* : $hidden_plugin_name:ident

        $($(#[doc = $post_doc:literal])+)?
    } => { ... };
Expand description

A macro for generating a well-documented PluginGroup from a list of Plugin paths.

Every plugin must implement the Default trait.


plugin_group! {
    /// Doc comments and annotations are supported: they will be added to the generated plugin
    /// group.
    pub struct PhysicsPlugins {
        // If referencing a plugin within the same module, you must prefix it with a colon `:`.
        // If referencing a plugin within a different module, there must be three colons `:::`
        // between the final module and the plugin name.
        // If you feature-flag a plugin, it will be automatically documented. There can only be
        // one automatically documented feature flag, and it must be first. All other
        // `#[cfg()]` attributes must be wrapped by `#[custom()]`.
        #[cfg(feature = "external_forces")]
        // More complicated `#[cfg()]`s and annotations are not supported by automatic doc
        // generation, in which case you must wrap it in `#[custom()]`.
        #[custom(cfg(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
        // You can nest `PluginGroup`s within other `PluginGroup`s, you just need the
        // `#[plugin_group]` attribute.
        // You can hide plugins from documentation. Due to macro limitations, hidden plugins
        // must be last.
    /// You may add doc comments after the plugin group as well. They will be appended after
    /// the documented list of plugins.