
Module utils

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Utilities useful for various generations tasks.


  • Applies a revolution, using the Y symmetry axis passing through the origin.
  • Pushes to out a set of points forming an arc starting at start, ending at end with revolution center at center. The curve is approximated by pushing nsubdivs points. The start and end point are not pushed to out.
  • Pushes to out_vtx a set of points forming an arc starting at start, ending at end with revolution center at center. The curve is approximated by pushing nsubdivs points. The start and end point are not pushed to out_vtx.
  • Pushes the index buffer for an arc between start and end and intermediate points in the range arc.
  • Pushes a discretized counterclockwise circle to a buffer.
  • Pushes the index buffer of a closed loop.
  • Creates the faces from a circle and a point that is shared by all triangle.
  • Creates the faces from a circle and a point that is shared by all triangle.
  • Pushes indices so that a circle is filled with triangles. Each triangle will have the base_circle point in common. Pushes nsubdiv - 2 elements to out.
  • Pushes the index buffer of an open chain.
  • Creates the faces from two circles with the same discretization.
  • Given four corner points, pushes to two counterclockwise triangles to out.
  • Creates the faces from two circles with the same discretization.
  • Reverses the clockwising of a set of faces.
  • Returns the transformed version of a vector of points.
  • Applies in-place a transformation to an array of points.
  • Returns the transformed version of a vector of points.