1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497
//! Extended Position-Based Dynamics (XPBD) constraint functionality.
//! XPBD is a simulation method that solves constraints at the position-level.
//! Avian currently uses it for [joints](dynamics::solver::joints),
//! while contacts use an impulse-based approach.
//! This module contains traits and systems for XPBD functionality.
//! The actual joint implementations are in [`dynamics::solver::joints`],
//! but it is also possible to create your own constraints.
//! The following section has an overview of what exactly constraints are,
//! how they work with XPBD, and how you can define your own constraints.
//! # Constraints
//! **Constraints** are a way to model physical relationships between entities.
//! They are an integral part of physics simulation, and they can be used for things
//! like contact resolution, [joints](super::joints), soft bodies, and much more.
//! At its core, a constraint is just a rule that is enforced by moving the participating entities in a way that satisfies that rule.
//! For example, a distance constraint is satisfied when the distance between two entities is equal to the desired distance.
//! Most constraints in Avian are modeled as seperate entities with a component that implements [`XpbdConstraint`].
//! They contain a `solve` method that receives the states of the participating entities as parameters.
//! You can find more details on how to use each constraint by taking a look at their documentation.
//! Below are the currently implemented XPBD-based constraints.
//! - [Joints](super::joints)
//! - [`FixedJoint`]
//! - [`DistanceJoint`]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "3d", doc = " - [`SphericalJoint`]")]
//! - [`RevoluteJoint`]
//! - [`PrismaticJoint`]
//! Avian's [`ContactConstraint`](dynamics::solver::contact::ContactConstraint)
//! is impulse-based instead.
//! ## Custom constraints
//! In Avian, you can easily create your own XPBD constraints using the same APIs that the engine uses for its own constraints.
//! First, create a struct and implement the [`XpbdConstraint`] trait, giving the number of participating entities using generics.
//! It should look similar to this:
//! ```
feature = "2d",
doc = "use avian2d::{prelude::*, dynamics::solver::xpbd::XpbdConstraint};"
feature = "3d",
doc = "use avian3d::{prelude::*, dynamics::solver::xpbd::XpbdConstraint};"
//! use bevy::{ecs::entity::{EntityMapper, MapEntities}, prelude::*};
//! struct CustomConstraint {
//! entity1: Entity,
//! entity2: Entity,
//! lagrange: f32,
//! }
//! #[cfg(feature = "f32")]
//! impl XpbdConstraint<2> for CustomConstraint {
//! fn entities(&self) -> [Entity; 2] {
//! [self.entity1, self.entity2]
//! }
//! fn clear_lagrange_multipliers(&mut self) {
//! self.lagrange = 0.0;
//! }
//! fn solve(&mut self, bodies: [&mut RigidBodyQueryItem; 2], dt: f32) {
//! // Constraint solving logic goes here
//! }
//! }
//! impl MapEntities for CustomConstraint {
//! fn map_entities<M: EntityMapper>(&mut self, entity_mapper: &mut M) {
//! self.entity1 = entity_mapper.map_entity(self.entity1);
//! self.entity2 = entity_mapper.map_entity(self.entity2);
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! Take a look at [`XpbdConstraint::solve`] and the constraint [theory](#theory) to learn more about what to put in `solve`.
//! Next, we need to add a system that solves the constraint during each run of the [solver](dynamics::solver).
//! If your constraint is a component like Avian's joints, you can use the generic [`solve_constraint`]
//! system that handles some of the background work for you.
//! Add the `solve_constraint::<YourConstraint, ENTITY_COUNT>` system to the [substepping schedule's](SubstepSchedule)
//! [`SubstepSolverSet::SolveUserConstraints`](dynamics::solver::SubstepSolverSet::SolveUserConstraints) system set.
//! It should look like this:
//! ```ignore
//! // Get substep schedule
//! let substeps = app
//! .get_schedule_mut(SubstepSchedule)
//! .expect("add SubstepSchedule first");
//! // Add custom constraint
//! substeps.add_systems(
//! solve_constraint::<CustomConstraint, 2>
//! .in_set(SubstepSolverSet::SolveUserConstraints),
//! );
//! ```
//! Now, just spawn an instance of the constraint, give it the participating entities, and the constraint should be getting
//! solved automatically according to the `solve` method!
//! You can find a working example of a custom constraint
//! [here](https://github.com/Jondolf/avian/blob/main/crates/avian3d/examples/custom_constraint.rs).
//! ## Theory
//! In this section, you can learn some of the theory behind how position-based constraints work. Understanding the theory and maths isn't
//! important for using constraints, but it can be useful if you want to [create your own constraints](#custom-constraints).
//! **Note**: In the following theory, primarily the word "particle" is used, but the same logic applies to normal
//! [rigid bodies](RigidBody) as well. However, unlike particles, rigid bodies can also have angular quantities such as
//! [rotation](Rotation) and [angular inertia](AngularInertia), so constraints can also affect their orientation. This is explained
//! in more detail [at the end](#rigid-body-constraints).
//! ### Constraint functions
//! At the mathematical level, each constraint has a *constraint function* `C(x)` that takes the state
//! of the particles as parameters and outputs a scalar value. The goal of the constraint is to move the particles
//! in a way that the output *satisfies* a constraint equation.
//! For *equality constraints* the equation takes the form `C(x) = 0`. In other words, the constraint tries to
//! *minimize* the value of `C(x)` to be as close to zero as possible. When the equation is true, the constraint is *satisfied*.
//! For a distance constraint, the constraint function would be `C(x) = distance - rest_distance`,
//! because this would be zero when the distance is equal to the desired rest distance.
//! For *inequality constraints* the equation instead takes the form `C(x) >= 0`. These constraints are only applied
//! when `C(x) < 0`, which is useful for things like static friction and [joint limits](super::joints#joint-limits).
//! ### Constraint gradients
//! To know what directions the particles should be moved towards, constraints compute a *constraint gradient* `▽C(x)`
//! for each particle. It is a vector that points in the direction in which the constraint function value `C` increases the most.
//! The length of the gradient indicates how much `C` changes when moving the particle by one unit. This is often equal to one.
//! In a case where two particles are being constrained by a distance constraint, and the particles are outside of the
//! rest distance, the gradient vector would point away from the other particle, because it would increase the distance
//! even further.
//! ### Lagrange multipliers
//! In the context of constraints, a Lagrange multiplier `λ` corresponds to the signed magnitude of the constraint force.
//! It is a scalar value that is the same for all of the constraint's participating particles, and it is used for computing
//! the correction that the constraint should apply to the particles along the gradients.
//! In XPBD, the Lagrange multiplier update `Δλ` during a substep is computed by dividing the opposite of `C`
//! by the sum of the products of the inverse masses and squared gradient lengths plus an additional compliance term:
//! ```text
//! Δλ = -C / (sum(w_i * |▽C_i|^2) + α / h^2)
//! ```
//! where `w_i` is the inverse mass of particle `i`, `|▽C_i|` is the length of the gradient vector for particle `i`,
//! `α` is the constraint's compliance (inverse of stiffness) and `h` is the substep size. Using `α = 0`
//! corresponds to infinite stiffness.
//! The minus sign is there because the gradients point in the direction in which `C` increases the most,
//! and we instead want to minimize `C`.
//! Note that if the gradients are normalized, as is often the case, the squared gradient lengths can be omitted from the
//! calculation.
//! ### Solving constraints
//! Once we have computed the Lagrange multiplier `λ`, we can compute the positional correction for a given particle
//! as the product of the Lagrange multiplier and the particle's inverse mass and gradient vector:
//! ```text
//! Δx_i = Δλ * w_i * ▽C_i
//! ```
//! In other words, we typically move the particle along the gradient by `Δλ` proportional to the particle's inverse mass.
//! ### Rigid body constraints
//! Unlike particles, [rigid bodies](RigidBody) also have angular quantities like [rotation](Rotation),
//! [angular velocity](AngularVelocity) and [angular inertia](AngularInertia). In addition, constraints can be applied at specific
//! points in the body, like contact positions or joint attachment positions, which also affects the orientation.
//! When the constraint is not applied at the center of mass, the inverse mass in the computation of `Δλ` must
//! be replaced with a *generalized inverse mass* that is essentially the effective mass when applying the constraint
//! at some specified position.
//! For a positional constraint applied at position `r_i`, the generalized inverse mass computation for body `i` looks like this:
//! ```text
//! w_i = 1 / m_i + (r_i x ▽C_i)^T * I_i^-1 * (r_i x ▽C_i)
//! ```
//! where `m_i` is the [mass](Mass) of body `i`, `I_i^-1` is the inverse [angular inertia tensor](AngularInertia), and `^T` refers to the
//! transpose of a vector. Note that the value of the inertia tensor depends on the orientation of the body, so it should be
//! recomputed each time the constraint is solved.
//! For an angular constraint where the gradient vector is the rotation axis, the generalized inverse mass computation instead
//! looks like this:
//! ```text
//! w_i = ▽C_i^T * I_i^-1 * ▽C_i
//! ```
//! Once we have computed the Lagrange multiplier update, we can apply the positional correction as shown in the
//! [previous section](#solving-constraints).
//! However, angular constraints are handled differently. If the constraint function's value is the rotation angle and
//! the gradient vector is the rotation axis, we can compute the angular correction for a given body like this:
//! ```text
//! Δq_i = 0.5 * [I_i^-1 * (r_i x (Δλ * ▽C_i)), 0] * q_i
//! ```
//! where `q_i` is the [rotation](Rotation) of body `i` and `r_i` is a vector pointing from the body's center of mass to some
//! attachment position.
mod angular_constraint;
mod positional_constraint;
pub use angular_constraint::AngularConstraint;
pub use positional_constraint::PositionConstraint;
use crate::prelude::*;
use bevy::{ecs::entity::MapEntities, prelude::*};
/// A trait for all XPBD [constraints](self#constraints).
pub trait XpbdConstraint<const ENTITY_COUNT: usize>: MapEntities {
/// The entities participating in the constraint.
fn entities(&self) -> [Entity; ENTITY_COUNT];
/// Solves the constraint.
/// There are two main steps to solving a constraint:
/// 1. Compute the generalized inverse masses, [gradients](self#constraint-gradients)
/// and the [Lagrange multiplier](self#lagrange-multipliers) update.
/// 2. Apply corrections along the gradients using the Lagrange multiplier update.
/// [`XpbdConstraint`] provides the [`compute_lagrange_update`](XpbdConstraint::compute_lagrange_update)
/// method for all constraints. It requires the gradients and inverse masses of the participating entities.
/// For constraints between two bodies, you can implement [`PositionConstraint`]. and [`AngularConstraint`]
/// to get the associated `compute_generalized_inverse_mass`, `apply_positional_correction` and
/// `apply_angular_correction` methods. Otherwise you must implement the generalized inverse mass
/// computations and correction applying logic yourself.
/// You can find a working example of a custom constraint
/// [here](https://github.com/Jondolf/avian/blob/main/crates/avian3d/examples/custom_constraint.rs).
fn solve(&mut self, bodies: [&mut RigidBodyQueryItem; ENTITY_COUNT], dt: Scalar);
/// Computes how much a constraint's [Lagrange multiplier](self#lagrange-multipliers) changes when projecting
/// the constraint for all participating particles.
/// `c` is a scalar value returned by the [constraint function](self#constraint-functions).
/// When it is zero, the constraint is satisfied.
/// Each particle should have a corresponding [gradient](self#constraint-gradients) in `gradients`.
/// A gradient is a vector that refers to the direction in which `c` increases the most.
/// See the [constraint theory](#theory) for more information.
fn compute_lagrange_update_with_gradients(
lagrange: Scalar,
c: Scalar,
gradients: &[Vector],
inverse_masses: &[Scalar],
compliance: Scalar,
dt: Scalar,
) -> Scalar {
// Compute the sum of all inverse masses multiplied by the squared lengths of the corresponding gradients.
let w_sum = inverse_masses
.fold(0.0, |acc, (i, w)| acc + *w * gradients[i].length_squared());
// Avoid division by zero
if w_sum <= Scalar::EPSILON {
return 0.0;
// tilde_a = a/h^2
let tilde_compliance = compliance / dt.powi(2);
(-c - tilde_compliance * lagrange) / (w_sum + tilde_compliance)
/// Computes how much a constraint's [Lagrange multiplier](self#lagrange-multipliers) changes when projecting
/// the constraint for all participating particles. The constraint gradients are assumed to be unit-length.
/// `c` is a scalar value returned by the [constraint function](self#constraint-functions).
/// When it is zero, the constraint is satisfied.
/// See the [constraint theory](#theory) for more information.
fn compute_lagrange_update(
lagrange: Scalar,
c: Scalar,
inverse_masses: &[Scalar],
compliance: Scalar,
dt: Scalar,
) -> Scalar {
// Compute the sum of all inverse masses.
// The gradients are unit length, so they don't need to be considered.
let w_sum: Scalar = inverse_masses.iter().copied().sum();
// Avoid division by zero
if w_sum <= Scalar::EPSILON {
return 0.0;
// tilde_a = a/h^2
let tilde_compliance = compliance / dt.powi(2);
(-c - tilde_compliance * lagrange) / (w_sum + tilde_compliance)
/// Sets the constraint's [Lagrange multipliers](self#lagrange-multipliers) to 0.
fn clear_lagrange_multipliers(&mut self);
// TODO: Make a joint-optimized version
/// Iterates through the XPBD constraints of a given type and solves them. Sleeping bodies are woken up when
/// active bodies interact with them in a constraint.
/// Note that this system only works for constraints that are modeled as entities.
/// If you store constraints in a resource, you must create your own system for solving them.
/// # User Constraints
/// To create a new constraint, implement [`XpbdConstraint`] for a component, get the [`SubstepSchedule`] and add this system into
/// the [`SubstepSolverSet::SolveUserConstraints`](super::SubstepSolverSet::SolveUserConstraints) set.
/// You must provide the number of entities in the constraint using generics.
/// It should look something like this:
/// ```ignore
/// let substeps = app
/// .get_schedule_mut(SubstepSchedule)
/// .expect("add SubstepSchedule first");
/// substeps.add_systems(
/// solve_constraint::<YourConstraint, ENTITY_COUNT>
/// .in_set(SubstepSolverSet::SolveUserConstraints),
/// );
/// ```
pub fn solve_constraint<C: XpbdConstraint<ENTITY_COUNT> + Component, const ENTITY_COUNT: usize>(
mut commands: Commands,
mut bodies: Query<RigidBodyQuery, Without<RigidBodyDisabled>>,
mut constraints: Query<&mut C, (Without<RigidBody>, Without<JointDisabled>)>,
time: Res<Time>,
) {
let delta_secs = time.delta_seconds_adjusted();
// Clear Lagrange multipliers
.for_each(|mut c| c.clear_lagrange_multipliers());
for mut constraint in &mut constraints {
// Get components for entities
if let Ok(mut bodies) = bodies.get_many_mut(constraint.entities()) {
let none_dynamic = bodies.iter().all(|body| !body.rb.is_dynamic());
let all_inactive = bodies
.all(|body| body.rb.is_static() || body.is_sleeping);
// No constraint solving if none of the bodies is dynamic,
// or if all of the bodies are either static or sleeping
if none_dynamic || all_inactive {
// At least one of the participating bodies is active, so wake up any sleeping bodies
for body in &mut bodies {
body.time_sleeping.0 = 0.0;
if body.is_sleeping {
// Get the bodies as an array and solve the constraint
if let Ok(bodies) = bodies
.collect::<Vec<&mut RigidBodyQueryItem>>()
constraint.solve(bodies, delta_secs);
/// Updates the linear velocity of all dynamic bodies based on the change in position from the XPBD solver.
pub(super) fn project_linear_velocity(
mut bodies: Query<
&mut LinearVelocity,
time: Res<Time>,
) {
let delta_secs = time.delta_seconds_adjusted();
for (rb, prev_pos, translation, mut lin_vel) in &mut bodies {
// Static bodies have no velocity
if rb.is_static() && lin_vel.0 != Vector::ZERO {
lin_vel.0 = Vector::ZERO;
if rb.is_dynamic() {
// v = (x - x_prev) / h
let new_lin_vel = (translation.0 - prev_pos.0) / delta_secs;
// Avoid triggering bevy's change detection unnecessarily.
if new_lin_vel != Vector::ZERO && new_lin_vel.is_finite() {
lin_vel.0 += new_lin_vel;
/// Updates the angular velocity of all dynamic bodies based on the change in rotation from the XPBD solver.
#[cfg(feature = "2d")]
pub(super) fn project_angular_velocity(
mut bodies: Query<
&mut AngularVelocity,
time: Res<Time>,
) {
let delta_secs = time.delta_seconds_adjusted();
for (rb, rot, prev_rot, mut ang_vel) in &mut bodies {
// Static bodies have no velocity
if rb.is_static() && ang_vel.0 != 0.0 {
ang_vel.0 = 0.0;
if rb.is_dynamic() {
let new_ang_vel = prev_rot.angle_between(*rot) / delta_secs;
// Avoid triggering bevy's change detection unnecessarily.
if new_ang_vel != ang_vel.0 && new_ang_vel.is_finite() {
ang_vel.0 += new_ang_vel;
/// Updates the angular velocity of all dynamic bodies based on the change in rotation from the XPBD solver.
#[cfg(feature = "3d")]
pub(super) fn project_angular_velocity(
mut bodies: Query<
&mut AngularVelocity,
time: Res<Time>,
) {
let delta_secs = time.delta_seconds_adjusted();
for (rb, rot, prev_rot, mut ang_vel) in &mut bodies {
// Static bodies have no velocity
if rb.is_static() && ang_vel.0 != Vector::ZERO {
ang_vel.0 = Vector::ZERO;
if rb.is_dynamic() {
let delta_rot = rot.mul_quat(prev_rot.inverse().0);
let mut new_ang_vel = 2.0 * delta_rot.xyz() / delta_secs;
if delta_rot.w < 0.0 {
new_ang_vel = -new_ang_vel;
// Avoid triggering bevy's change detection unnecessarily.
if new_ang_vel != ang_vel.0 && new_ang_vel.is_finite() {
ang_vel.0 += new_ang_vel;