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#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_auto_cfg))]
// missing_docs,
// unreachable_pub,
#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
html_logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teoxoy/encase/3d6d2e4d7670863e97463a15ceeafac6d13ee73e/logo.svg"
/// Used to implement `ShaderType` for structs
/// # Attributes
/// Field attributes
/// - `#[align(X)]` where `X` is a power of 2 [`u32`] literal (equivalent to [WGSL align attribute](https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/wgsl/#attribute-align))
/// Used to increase the alignment of the field
/// - `#[size(X)]` where `X` is a [`u32`] literal (equivalent to [WGSL size attribute](https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/wgsl/#attribute-size))
/// Used to increase the size of the field
/// - `#[size(runtime)]` can only be attached to the last field of the struct
/// Used to denote the fact that the field it is attached to is a runtime-sized array
/// # Note about generics
/// While structs using generic type parameters are supported by this derive macro
/// - the `#[align(X)]` and `#[size(X)]` attributes will only work
/// if they are attached to fields whose type contains no generic type parameters
/// # Examples
/// Simple
/// ```
/// # use mint;
/// # use crate::encase::ShaderType;
/// #[derive(ShaderType)]
/// struct AffineTransform2D {
/// matrix: mint::ColumnMatrix2<f32>,
/// translate: mint::Vector2<f32>
/// }
/// ```
/// Contains a runtime-sized array
/// _The [`ArrayLength`] type can be used to explicitly write or read the length of the contained runtime-sized array_
/// ```
/// # use mint;
/// # use crate::encase::ShaderType;
/// # use crate::encase::ArrayLength;
/// #[derive(ShaderType)]
/// struct Positions {
/// length: ArrayLength,
/// #[size(runtime)]
/// positions: Vec<mint::Point2<f32>>
/// }
/// ```
/// Complex
/// ```
/// # use crate::encase::{ShaderType, ShaderSize};
/// #[derive(ShaderType)]
/// struct Complex<
/// 'a,
/// 'b: 'a,
/// E: 'a + ShaderType + ShaderSize,
/// T: 'b + ShaderType + ShaderSize,
/// const N: usize,
/// > {
/// array: [&'a mut E; N],
/// #[size(runtime)]
/// rts_array: &'a mut Vec<&'b T>,
/// }
/// ```
pub use encase_derive::ShaderType;
mod utils;
mod core;
mod types;
mod impls;
pub use crate::core::{
CalculateSizeFor, DynamicStorageBuffer, DynamicUniformBuffer, ShaderSize, ShaderType,
StorageBuffer, UniformBuffer,
pub use types::runtime_sized_array::ArrayLength;
pub mod internal {
pub use super::core::{
AlignmentValue, BufferMut, BufferRef, CreateFrom, EnlargeError, Error, ReadContext,
ReadFrom, Reader, Result, SizeValue, WriteContext, WriteInto, Writer,
/// Module containing items necessary to implement `ShaderType` for runtime-sized arrays
pub mod rts_array {
pub use super::impl_rts_array;
pub use super::types::runtime_sized_array::{Length, Truncate};
/// Module containing items necessary to implement `ShaderType` for vectors
pub mod vector {
pub use super::impl_vector;
pub use super::types::vector::{
AsMutVectorParts, AsRefVectorParts, FromVectorParts, VectorScalar,
/// Module containing items necessary to implement `ShaderType` for matrices
pub mod matrix {
pub use super::impl_matrix;
pub use super::types::matrix::{
AsMutMatrixParts, AsRefMatrixParts, FromMatrixParts, MatrixScalar,
/// Private module used by macros
pub mod private {
pub use super::build_struct;
pub use super::core::AlignmentValue;
pub use super::core::BufferMut;
pub use super::core::BufferRef;
pub use super::core::CreateFrom;
pub use super::core::Metadata;
pub use super::core::ReadFrom;
pub use super::core::Reader;
pub use super::core::RuntimeSizedArray;
pub use super::core::SizeValue;
pub use super::core::WriteInto;
pub use super::core::Writer;
pub use super::types::array::ArrayMetadata;
pub use super::types::matrix::*;
pub use super::types::r#struct::StructMetadata;
pub use super::types::runtime_sized_array::{ArrayLength, Length, Truncate};
pub use super::types::vector::*;
pub use super::utils::consume_zsts;
pub use super::CalculateSizeFor;
pub use super::ShaderSize;
pub use super::ShaderType;
pub use const_panic::concat_assert;