use std::cmp;
use std::ptr;
#[cfg(all(feature = "alloc", not(feature = "std")))]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use super::Const;
use crate::base::allocator::{Allocator, Reallocator};
use crate::base::array_storage::ArrayStorage;
use crate::base::dimension::Dim;
#[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
use crate::base::dimension::{DimName, Dyn};
use crate::base::storage::{RawStorage, RawStorageMut, Storage};
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
use crate::base::vec_storage::VecStorage;
use crate::base::Scalar;
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DefaultAllocator;
impl<const R: usize, const C: usize> Allocator<Const<R>, Const<C>> for DefaultAllocator {
type Buffer<T: Scalar> = ArrayStorage<T, R, C>;
type BufferUninit<T: Scalar> = ArrayStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, R, C>;
fn allocate_uninit<T: Scalar>(_: Const<R>, _: Const<C>) -> ArrayStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, R, C> {
let array: [[MaybeUninit<T>; R]; C] = unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() };
unsafe fn assume_init<T: Scalar>(
uninit: ArrayStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, R, C>,
) -> ArrayStorage<T, R, C> {
ArrayStorage((&uninit as *const _ as *const [_; C]).read())
fn allocate_from_iterator<T: Scalar, I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(
nrows: Const<R>,
ncols: Const<C>,
iter: I,
) -> Self::Buffer<T> {
let mut res = Self::allocate_uninit(nrows, ncols);
let mut count = 0;
let res_slice = unsafe { res.as_mut_slice_unchecked() };
for (res, e) in res_slice.iter_mut().zip(iter.into_iter()) {
*res = MaybeUninit::new(e);
count += 1;
count == nrows.value() * ncols.value(),
"Matrix init. from iterator: iterator not long enough."
unsafe { <Self as Allocator<Const<R>, Const<C>>>::assume_init(res) }
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<C: Dim> Allocator<Dyn, C> for DefaultAllocator {
type Buffer<T: Scalar> = VecStorage<T, Dyn, C>;
type BufferUninit<T: Scalar> = VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, Dyn, C>;
fn allocate_uninit<T: Scalar>(nrows: Dyn, ncols: C) -> VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, Dyn, C> {
let mut data = Vec::new();
let length = nrows.value() * ncols.value();
data.resize_with(length, MaybeUninit::uninit);
VecStorage::new(nrows, ncols, data)
unsafe fn assume_init<T: Scalar>(
uninit: VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, Dyn, C>,
) -> VecStorage<T, Dyn, C> {
let (nrows, ncols) = uninit.shape();
let vec: Vec<_> = uninit.into();
let mut md = ManuallyDrop::new(vec);
let new_data = Vec::from_raw_parts(md.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, md.len(), md.capacity());
VecStorage::new(nrows, ncols, new_data)
fn allocate_from_iterator<T: Scalar, I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(
nrows: Dyn,
ncols: C,
iter: I,
) -> Self::Buffer<T> {
let it = iter.into_iter();
let res: Vec<T> = it.collect();
assert!(res.len() == nrows.value() * ncols.value(),
"Allocation from iterator error: the iterator did not yield the correct number of elements.");
VecStorage::new(nrows, ncols, res)
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<R: DimName> Allocator<R, Dyn> for DefaultAllocator {
type Buffer<T: Scalar> = VecStorage<T, R, Dyn>;
type BufferUninit<T: Scalar> = VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, R, Dyn>;
fn allocate_uninit<T: Scalar>(nrows: R, ncols: Dyn) -> VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, R, Dyn> {
let mut data = Vec::new();
let length = nrows.value() * ncols.value();
data.resize_with(length, MaybeUninit::uninit);
VecStorage::new(nrows, ncols, data)
unsafe fn assume_init<T: Scalar>(
uninit: VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, R, Dyn>,
) -> VecStorage<T, R, Dyn> {
let (nrows, ncols) = uninit.shape();
let vec: Vec<_> = uninit.into();
let mut md = ManuallyDrop::new(vec);
let new_data = Vec::from_raw_parts(md.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, md.len(), md.capacity());
VecStorage::new(nrows, ncols, new_data)
fn allocate_from_iterator<T: Scalar, I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(
nrows: R,
ncols: Dyn,
iter: I,
) -> Self::Buffer<T> {
let it = iter.into_iter();
let res: Vec<T> = it.collect();
assert!(res.len() == nrows.value() * ncols.value(),
"Allocation from iterator error: the iterator did not yield the correct number of elements.");
VecStorage::new(nrows, ncols, res)
impl<T: Scalar, RFrom, CFrom, const RTO: usize, const CTO: usize>
Reallocator<T, RFrom, CFrom, Const<RTO>, Const<CTO>> for DefaultAllocator
RFrom: Dim,
CFrom: Dim,
Self: Allocator<RFrom, CFrom>,
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: Const<RTO>,
cto: Const<CTO>,
buf: <Self as Allocator<RFrom, CFrom>>::Buffer<T>,
) -> ArrayStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, RTO, CTO> {
let mut res = <Self as Allocator<Const<RTO>, Const<CTO>>>::allocate_uninit(rto, cto);
let (rfrom, cfrom) = buf.shape();
let len_from = rfrom.value() * cfrom.value();
let len_to = rto.value() * cto.value();
let len_copied = cmp::min(len_from, len_to);
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf.ptr(), res.ptr_mut() as *mut T, len_copied);
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<T: Scalar, CTo, const RFROM: usize, const CFROM: usize>
Reallocator<T, Const<RFROM>, Const<CFROM>, Dyn, CTo> for DefaultAllocator
CTo: Dim,
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: Dyn,
cto: CTo,
buf: ArrayStorage<T, RFROM, CFROM>,
) -> VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, Dyn, CTo> {
let mut res = <Self as Allocator<Dyn, CTo>>::allocate_uninit(rto, cto);
let (rfrom, cfrom) = buf.shape();
let len_from = rfrom.value() * cfrom.value();
let len_to = rto.value() * cto.value();
let len_copied = cmp::min(len_from, len_to);
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf.ptr(), res.ptr_mut() as *mut T, len_copied);
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<T: Scalar, RTo, const RFROM: usize, const CFROM: usize>
Reallocator<T, Const<RFROM>, Const<CFROM>, RTo, Dyn> for DefaultAllocator
RTo: DimName,
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: RTo,
cto: Dyn,
buf: ArrayStorage<T, RFROM, CFROM>,
) -> VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, RTo, Dyn> {
let mut res = <Self as Allocator<RTo, Dyn>>::allocate_uninit(rto, cto);
let (rfrom, cfrom) = buf.shape();
let len_from = rfrom.value() * cfrom.value();
let len_to = rto.value() * cto.value();
let len_copied = cmp::min(len_from, len_to);
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf.ptr(), res.ptr_mut() as *mut T, len_copied);
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<T: Scalar, CFrom: Dim, CTo: Dim> Reallocator<T, Dyn, CFrom, Dyn, CTo> for DefaultAllocator {
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: Dyn,
cto: CTo,
buf: VecStorage<T, Dyn, CFrom>,
) -> VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, Dyn, CTo> {
let new_buf = buf.resize(rto.value() * cto.value());
VecStorage::new(rto, cto, new_buf)
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<T: Scalar, CFrom: Dim, RTo: DimName> Reallocator<T, Dyn, CFrom, RTo, Dyn>
for DefaultAllocator
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: RTo,
cto: Dyn,
buf: VecStorage<T, Dyn, CFrom>,
) -> VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, RTo, Dyn> {
let new_buf = buf.resize(rto.value() * cto.value());
VecStorage::new(rto, cto, new_buf)
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<T: Scalar, RFrom: DimName, CTo: Dim> Reallocator<T, RFrom, Dyn, Dyn, CTo>
for DefaultAllocator
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: Dyn,
cto: CTo,
buf: VecStorage<T, RFrom, Dyn>,
) -> VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, Dyn, CTo> {
let new_buf = buf.resize(rto.value() * cto.value());
VecStorage::new(rto, cto, new_buf)
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
impl<T: Scalar, RFrom: DimName, RTo: DimName> Reallocator<T, RFrom, Dyn, RTo, Dyn>
for DefaultAllocator
unsafe fn reallocate_copy(
rto: RTo,
cto: Dyn,
buf: VecStorage<T, RFrom, Dyn>,
) -> VecStorage<MaybeUninit<T>, RTo, Dyn> {
let new_buf = buf.resize(rto.value() * cto.value());
VecStorage::new(rto, cto, new_buf)