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use crate::{
field_attributes::{DefaultBehavior, ReflectIgnoreBehavior},
use bevy_macro_utils::fq_std::{FQBox, FQDefault};
use quote::quote;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use syn::{spanned::Spanned, Path};
type ReflectionIndex = usize;
/// Collected serialization data used to generate a `SerializationData` type.
pub(crate) struct SerializationDataDef {
/// Maps a field's _reflection_ index to its [`SkippedFieldDef`] if marked as `#[reflect(skip_serializing)]`.
skipped: HashMap<ReflectionIndex, SkippedFieldDef>,
impl SerializationDataDef {
/// Attempts to create a new `SerializationDataDef` from the given collection of fields.
/// Returns `Ok(Some(data))` if there are any fields needing to be skipped during serialization.
/// Otherwise, returns `Ok(None)`.
pub fn new(fields: &[StructField<'_>]) -> Result<Option<Self>, syn::Error> {
let mut skipped = HashMap::default();
for field in fields {
match field.attrs.ignore {
ReflectIgnoreBehavior::IgnoreSerialization => {
field.reflection_index.ok_or_else(|| {
"internal error: field is missing a reflection index",
_ => continue,
if skipped.is_empty() {
} else {
Ok(Some(Self { skipped }))
/// Returns a `TokenStream` containing an initialized `SerializationData` type.
pub fn as_serialization_data(&self, bevy_reflect_path: &Path) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let fields =
.map(|(reflection_index, SkippedFieldDef { default_fn })| {
quote! {(
quote! {
/// Collected field data used to generate a `SkippedField` type.
pub(crate) struct SkippedFieldDef {
/// The default function for this field.
/// This is of type `fn() -> Box<dyn Reflect>`.
default_fn: proc_macro2::TokenStream,
impl SkippedFieldDef {
pub fn new(field: &StructField<'_>) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
let ty = &;
let default_fn = match &field.attrs.default {
DefaultBehavior::Func(func) => quote! {
|| { #FQBox::new(#func()) }
_ => quote! {
|| { #FQBox::new(<#ty as #FQDefault>::default()) }
Ok(Self { default_fn })