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use bevy::ecs::query::{QueryData, WorldQuery};
use bevy::ecs::system::EntityCommands;
use bevy::prelude::*;
pub use bevy_yoetz_macros::YoetzSuggestion;
/// An action suggestion for the AI agent to consider.
/// Avoid implementing this trait manually - prefer using the
/// [`YoetzSuggestion`](bevy_yoetz_macros::YoetzSuggestion) derive macro.
/// `enum`s that implement this trait are mainly used as the generic parameter for [`YoetzAdvisor`]
/// and as the data passed to it. A [`YoetzPlugin`](crate::YoetzPlugin) parametrized on them should
/// also be added to the Bevy application.
pub trait YoetzSuggestion: 'static + Sized + Send + Sync {
/// The key identifies a suggestion even when its data changes. The
/// [`YoetzSuggestion`](bevy_yoetz_macros::YoetzSuggestion) derive macro generates a key that
/// is a "subset" of the `enum` - it contains all the variants, but each variant only contains
/// the fields marked as `#[yoetz(key)]`.
type Key: 'static + Send + Sync + Clone + PartialEq;
/// A query that allows access to all possible behavior components.
/// The query generated by the [`YoetzSuggestion`](bevy_yoetz_macros::YoetzSuggestion) derive
/// macro is unsightly and there it never a reason to use it manually.
type OmniQuery: QueryData;
/// Generate a [`Key`](Self::Key) that identifies the suggestion.
fn key(&self) -> Self::Key;
/// Remove the behavior components that were created by a suggestion with the specified key.
fn remove_components(key: &Self::Key, cmd: &mut EntityCommands);
/// Add behavior components created from the suggestion.
fn add_components(self, cmd: &mut EntityCommands);
/// Update the existing behavior components from the suggestion's data.
/// The method generated by the [`YoetzSuggestion`](bevy_yoetz_macros::YoetzSuggestion) derive
/// macro will only update the fields marked with `#[yoetz(input)]`. Fields marked with
/// `#[yoetz(state)]` will not be updated because the action systems are allowed to store their
/// own state there (or just maintain the initial state from when the behavior was chosen), and
/// fields marked with `#[yoetz(key)]` will not be updated because when they change the
/// [`Key`](Self::Key) changes and the components themselves will be re-inserted rather than
/// updated.
fn update_into_components(
components: &mut <Self::OmniQuery as WorldQuery>::Item<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Self>;
/// Controls an entity's AI by listening to [`YoetzSuggestion`]s and updating the entity's behavior
/// components.
pub struct YoetzAdvisor<S: YoetzSuggestion> {
/// Added to score of any suggestion that matches the currently active behavior. This can be
/// used to reduce the "flickering" when multiple suggestions are flocking around the same
/// score.
pub consistency_bonus: f32,
active_key: Option<S::Key>,
top_suggestion: Option<(f32, S)>,
impl<S: YoetzSuggestion> YoetzAdvisor<S> {
/// Create a new advisor with the specified [`consistency_bonus`](Self::consistency_bonus).
pub fn new(consistency_bonus: f32) -> Self {
Self {
active_key: None,
top_suggestion: None,
/// The [`Key`](YoetzSuggestion::Key) of the currently active behavior.
/// This can be used to implement a state machine behavior, where the code that suggests a
/// behavior can look at the current state.
pub fn active_key(&self) -> &Option<S::Key> {
/// Suggest a behavior for the AI to consider.
/// A suggestion should be sent every frame as long as it is valid - once it stops being sent
/// it will immediately be replaced by another suggestion.
pub fn suggest(&mut self, score: f32, suggestion: S) {
if let Some((current_score, _)) = self.top_suggestion.as_ref() {
let bonus = if self
.map(|key| *key == suggestion.key())
} else {
if score + bonus < *current_score {
self.top_suggestion = Some((score, suggestion));
pub fn update_advisor<S: YoetzSuggestion>(
mut query: Query<(Entity, &mut YoetzAdvisor<S>, S::OmniQuery)>,
mut commands: Commands,
) {
for (entity, mut advisor, mut components) in query.iter_mut() {
let Some((_, mut suggestion)) = advisor.top_suggestion.take() else {
let key = suggestion.key();
let mut cmd;
if let Some(old_key) = advisor.active_key.as_ref() {
if *old_key == key {
let update_result = suggestion.update_into_components(&mut components);
if let Err(update_result) = update_result {
"Components were wrong - will not update, add them with a command instead"
suggestion = update_result;
} else {
cmd = commands.entity(entity);
S::remove_components(old_key, &mut cmd)
} else {
cmd = commands.entity(entity);
suggestion.add_components(&mut cmd);
advisor.active_key = Some(key);