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//! Yoetz - A Rule Based AI Plugin for the Bevy Game Engine
//! Yoetz ("advisor" in Hebrew) is a rule based AI plugin for Bevy, structured around the following
//! tenets:
//! 1. There is no need to build special data structures for calculating the transitions and the
//! scores when representing these mechanisms as code inside user systems is both more flexible
//! and simpler to use.
//! 2. The systems that check the rules need to be able to pass data to the systems act upon the
//! decisions.
//! 3. Enacting the decision should be done with the ECS. If the action that the rules mechanism
//! decided to do is reflected by components, it becomes easy to write different systems that
//! perform the various possible actions.
//! # Quick Start
//! Define the various actions the AI can do with an enum that derives [`YoetzSuggestion`], and add
//! a [`YoetzPlugin`] for it:
//! ```no_run
//! # use bevy::prelude::*;
//! # use bevy_yoetz::prelude::*;
//! # let mut app = App::new();
//! app.add_plugins(YoetzPlugin::<AiBehavior>::new(FixedUpdate));
//! #[derive(YoetzSuggestion)]
//! enum AiBehavior {
//! DoNothing,
//! Attack {
//! #[yoetz(key)]
//! target_to_attack: Entity,
//! },
//! }
//! ```
//! Give [`YoetzAdvisor`](crate::advisor::YoetzAdvisor) to the AI controlled entities:
//! ```no_run
//! # use bevy::prelude::*;
//! # use bevy_yoetz::prelude::*;
//! # let mut commands: Commands = panic!();
//! # #[derive(YoetzSuggestion)] enum AiBehavior { VariantSoThatItWontBeEmpty }
//! # #[derive(Component)] struct OtherComponentsForThisEntity;
//! commands.spawn((
//! // The argument to `new` is a bonus for maintaining the current action.
//! YoetzAdvisor::<AiBehavior>::new(2.0),
//! OtherComponentsForThisEntity,
//! ));
//! ```
//! Add under [`YoetzSystemSet::Suggest`] systems that check for the various rules and generate
//! suggestions with scores:
//! ```no_run
//! # use bevy::prelude::*;
//! # use bevy_yoetz::prelude::*;
//! # #[derive(YoetzSuggestion)]
//! # enum AiBehavior {
//! # DoNothing,
//! # Attack {
//! # #[yoetz(key)]
//! # target_to_attack: Entity,
//! # },
//! # }
//! # let mut app = App::new();
//! app.add_systems(
//! FixedUpdate,
//! (
//! make_ai_entities_do_nothing,
//! give_targets_to_ai_entities,
//! )
//! .in_set(YoetzSystemSet::Suggest),
//! );
//! fn make_ai_entities_do_nothing(mut query: Query<&mut YoetzAdvisor<AiBehavior>>) {
//! for mut advisor in query.iter_mut() {
//! // A constant suggestion, so that if nothing else beats this score the entity will
//! // still have a behavior to execute.
//! advisor.suggest(0.0, AiBehavior::DoNothing);
//! }
//! }
//! # #[derive(Component)] struct Attackable;
//! fn give_targets_to_ai_entities(
//! mut query: Query<(&mut YoetzAdvisor<AiBehavior>, &GlobalTransform)>,
//! targets_query: Query<(Entity, &GlobalTransform), With<Attackable>>,
//! ) {
//! for (mut advisor, ai_transform) in query.iter_mut() {
//! for (target_entity, target_transorm) in targets_query.iter() {
//! let distance = ai_transform.translation().distance(target_transorm.translation());
//! advisor.suggest(
//! // The closer the target, the more desirable it is to attack it. If the
//! // distance is more than 10, the score will get below 0 and the DoNothing
//! // suggestion will be used instead.
//! 10.0 - distance,
//! AiBehavior::Attack {
//! target_to_attack: target_entity,
//! },
//! );
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! Add under [`YoetzSystemSet::Act`] systems that performs these actions. These systems use
//! components that are generated by the [`YoetzSuggestion`](bevy_yoetz_macros::YoetzSuggestion)
//! macro and are added and removed automatically by [`YoetzPlugin`]:
//! ```no_run
//! # use bevy::prelude::*;
//! # use bevy_yoetz::prelude::*;
//! # #[derive(YoetzSuggestion)]
//! # enum AiBehavior {
//! # DoNothing,
//! # Attack {
//! # #[yoetz(key)]
//! # target_to_attack: Entity,
//! # },
//! # }
//! # let mut app = App::new();
//! app.add_systems(
//! FixedUpdate,
//! (
//! perform_do_nothing,
//! perform_attack,
//! )
//! .in_set(YoetzSystemSet::Act),
//! );
//! fn perform_do_nothing(query: Query<&AiBehaviorDoNothing>) {
//! for _do_nothing in query.iter() {
//! // Do... nothing. This whole function is kind of pointless.
//! }
//! }
//! # #[derive(Component)] struct Attacker;
//! # impl Attacker { fn attack(&mut self, _target: Entity) {} }
//! fn perform_attack(mut query: Query<(&mut Attacker, &AiBehaviorAttack)>) {
//! for (mut attacker, attack_behavior) in query.iter_mut() {
//! attacker.attack(attack_behavior.target_to_attack);
//! }
//! }
mod advisor;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use bevy::ecs::schedule::{InternedScheduleLabel, ScheduleLabel};
use bevy::prelude::*;
use self::advisor::update_advisor;
use self::prelude::YoetzSuggestion;
pub use bevy;
pub mod prelude {
pub use crate::advisor::{YoetzAdvisor, YoetzSuggestion};
pub use crate::{YoetzPlugin, YoetzSystemSet};
/// Add systems for processing a [`YoetzSuggestion`].
pub struct YoetzPlugin<S: YoetzSuggestion> {
schedule: InternedScheduleLabel,
_phantom: PhantomData<fn(S)>,
impl<S: YoetzSuggestion> YoetzPlugin<S> {
/// Create a `YoetzPlugin` that cranks the [`YoetzAdvisor`](crate::advisor::YoetzAdvisor) in
/// the given schedule.
/// The update will be done between [`YoetzSystemSet::Suggest`] and [`YoetzSystemSet::Act`] in
/// that schedule.
pub fn new(schedule: impl ScheduleLabel) -> Self {
Self {
schedule: schedule.intern(),
_phantom: PhantomData,
impl<S: 'static + YoetzSuggestion> Plugin for YoetzPlugin<S> {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
/// System sets to put suggestion systems and action systems in.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, SystemSet)]
pub enum YoetzSystemSet {
/// Systems that suggest behaviors (by calling
/// [`YoetzAdvisor::suggest`](advisor::YoetzAdvisor::suggest)) should go in this set.
/// Systems that enact behaviors (by querying for the behavior structs generated by the
/// [`YoetzSuggestion`](bevy_yoetz_macros::YoetzSuggestion) macro) should go in this set.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, SystemSet)]
pub enum YoetzInternalSystemSet {